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377 lines
:load1 darkbold.f16
:load2 heading1.p16
:font 1
:lpi 9
:lpi 6
:font 0
:space 4
:font 2
:font 0
:space 2
IHSUTIL is a single screen, interactive utility
which allows you to perform four very important
functions on the font files you create using the
IHSFONT program. These functions are:
1. Get a complete view of all the ASCII
positions being used within a font
2. Merge blocks of characters from one
font file into another, either at the
same location or another location
within the file.
3. Proportionalize an entire font file
to a standard fixed character width
so that editing the file with IHSFONT
will be simplified.
4. Order any font file into ascending
sequence by character code (ASCII
Figure 4.1 on the next page illustrates the single
screen which is displayed when IHSUTIL is invoked.
Upon initial entry, the box on the right of the
screen labeled 'UTILITY Processing Options' will be
displayed in reverse video and the words 'SELECT
FUNCTION' will be blinking. This means that
IHSUTIL is waiting for you to press one of the
specified FUNCTION KEYS on the left of your
A more detailed explanation of the various
functions follows and you might find it useful to
actually invoke IHSUTIL and perform the various
actions as you read.
:font 1
:lpi 9
:lpi 6
:font 0
:space 10
:load2 normal.p08
:font 2
:lpi 9
▌ ▐
▌ ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ▐
▌ ║ I H S U T I L V 1.0 (C) Copyright, IHS Systems, 1983 ║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ▐
▌ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ ╚ ╝ ╚ ╝ ╚ ╝ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ 1111111111 1111111111 U T I L I T Y ▐
▌ 01234567890123456789 01234567890123456789 Processing Option ▐
▌ ╔════════════════════╗ ╔════════════════════╗ ╔════════════════════════╗ ▐
▌ 0║ ║ 0║ ║ ║ FKEY ║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ 20║ ║ 20║ ║ ║ 1 ═ Load Font Table 1║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ 40║ ║ 40║ ║ ║ 2 ═ Load Font Table 2║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ 60║ ║ 60║ ║ ║ 3 ═ Save Font Table 1║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ 80║ ║ 80║ ║ ║ 4 ═ Save Font Table 2║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ 100║ ║ 100║ ║ ║ 5 ═ MERGE from 1 to 2║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ 120║ ║ 120║ ║ ║ 6 ═ MERGE from 2 to 1║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ 140║ ║ 140║ ║ ║ 7 ═ PROPORTIONALIZE 1║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ 160║ ║ 160║ ║ ║ 8 ═ PROPORTIONALIZE 2║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ 180║ ║ 180║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ 200║ ║ 200║ ║ ║ 10 ═ EXIT IHSUTIL ║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ 220║ ║ 220║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ▐
▌ 240║ ║ 240║ ║ ║ SELECT FUNCTION ║ ▐
▌ ╚════════════════════╝ ╚════════════════════╝ ╚════════════════════════╝ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
:load2 heading1.p16
:font 0
Figure 4.1 - IHSUTIL Interactive Screen
:font 1
:lpi 9
:lpi 6
:font 0
:space 4
:font 2
:space 2
Before you can do anything with IHSUTIL, you must
LOAD one or two font files into main memory.
Whether you load 1 or 2 files depends on what you
want to do. For example, if you intend to MERGE
characters from one font into another, you must
load 2 font files; one to take the characters from
and another into which you want to place the
characters. If you intend to proportionalize a
font, you only need to load the font file you are
going to proportionalize.
Start by pressing either function key F1 or F2,
since it does not matter which one you use for
which font. If you choose to press F1, then the
reverse video field will move under the label
'INPUT FONT FILE #1'. When this happens, IHSUTIL
is waiting for you to enter the fully qualified
name of a font file (e.g. A:GOTHIC.FNT). After
you enter the font file name, press the ENTER-KEY
and watch the table beneath the font file name.
IHSUTIL will load the named font file into main
memory and display the contents of the file in the
appropriate table.
Remember that the characters displayed in the table
only represent the ASCII character code positions
which are defined in the particular font which you
selected. The actual symbol depicted in the font
may differ from what you see. In order to see what
will actually be printed, you must print a report
using the specified font file (see Appendix F,
Printing Reports).
Once the font file is loaded into main memory,
IHSUTIL will wait for you to push one of the
processing option function keys.
:font 1
:lpi 9
:lpi 6
:font 0
:space 4
:font 2
:space 2
Once you have loaded a font file into main memory
you can save it back onto a diskette. Press F3 to
save from table 1 or F4 to save from table 2.
Whenever either of these keys are pressed the
reverse video field moves under the label 'OUTPUT
FONT FILE' and IHSUTIL waits for you to enter the
name of the font file into which you want to save
the appropriate table. You can choose to enter the
same name you used when loading the font or you can
use another name.
Regardless of the name you use, the appropriate
font (#1 if you pressed F3 and #2 if you pressed
F4) is written to the diskette. However, the font
is still in main memory, allowing you to continue
making modifications if you wish.
One interesting aspect of IHSUTIL is the fact that
by simply loading and saving a font file, you can
arrange it in ascending sequence by ASCII code.
You may have noticed that the IHSFONT program does
not necessarily keep characters in ascending
sequence; it keeps them in the order you defined
them. This is o.k. as long as you define them in
sequence (i.e. A-Z, a-z ). As often happens,
however, you need to create new characters which
are not in sequence, thus creating a font file
which is sometimes confusing to work with when
using IHSFONT.
:font 1
:lpi 9
:lpi 6
:font 0
:space 4
:font 2
:space 2
The ability to merge characters from one font into
another is one of the most powerful features of
IHSUTIL. It allows you to create font files with
standard characters (for example, graphic lines,
special symbols, etc) and then merge them into each
new font that you create.
In order to take advantage of the MERGE facility,
you must first have loaded two fonts AND both fonts
must be of the same SCALE.
Function keys F5 and F6 allow you to merge from
table 1 to 2 or table 2 to 1, respectively. For
example, if you press F5, the following messages
will appear at the bottom of the screen:
:load2 normal.p08
:font 2
Merging File 1 [From char _ to char _] into File 2 [Beginning at char _]
Press F10 to Exit Merge Function
:load2 heading1.p16
:font 0
You may now enter up to three characters which will
control what is merged and where it is placed.
Start by entering the ='from character'=. For
example, if you entered a '0', it tells IHSUTIL to
start merging from character '0'. If you only
wanted to merge that one character, you could now
press the ENTER-KEY and just the one character
would be merged. If, however, you wanted to merge
more than one character, you can now enter the ='to
character'= (for example, '9'). This would tell
IHSUTIL to merge the 10 characters starting at
character position '0' through character position
'9'. (These characters have ASCII values of 048
and 057 respectively).
If you want to just have the characters you
specified merged into the exact same location in
the receiving table, you can press the
ENTER-KEY, and !voila!, they are merged from one font
to the other.
:font 1
:lpi 9
:lpi 6
:font 0
:space 4
:font 2
:space 2
If you want to merge the character or characters
into a different location in the receiving table,
enter the `=beginning at=' character. This tells
IHSUTIL to take the specified characters from the
`=from-table=' and merge them starting at another
location in the `=receiving-table='.
REMEMBER, when entering any of the three character
values, you can either use a standard keyboard
value (like 'A','m',')', etc) or you can enter the
actual ASCII code by holding down the ALT key,
keying the 3 digit code on the numeric keypad, then
releasing the ALT key. This latter method is
necessary for merging characters in the 'high end'
of the character set (128-255).
Once you understand this basic step of merging, you
can continue to merge characters until you press
F10, which stops the merge operation and puts you
back into IHSUTIL Processing Option selection.
ANOTHER IMPORTANT POINT!!! Don't forget to save
the font into which you are merging new characters.
All the merging is done in main memory and nothing
will be permanently saved until you perform a SAVE
:font 1
:lpi 9
:lpi 6
:font 0
:space 4
:font 2
:space 2
As described in Chapter 2, the IHSFONT program
allows you to create proportional fonts, and as
described in Chapter 3, the IHSPRINT program will
let you use these proportional fonts when printing
your documents. Occasionally you will need to
change a particular font from fixed character
width to variable character width (proportional)
and IHSUTIL will assist you in doing this.
IHSUTIL allows you to change the width of all the
characters in a given font, thus making it easier
to see the position of the character when you
subsequently use IHSFONT to 'smooth out' the rough
You must first select a font on which you want to
change the standard character width (see Selecting
Fonts, page 2-3). Then press the appropriate
function key (F7 or F8) and enter the width. If
the font being proportionalized is SCALE 1, the
maximum width is 12. If the font is SCALE 2, the
maximum width is 24.
REMEMBER... Save the font after you have
proportionalized it.
After you have proportionalized the font, you will
need to use the IHSFONT program to review each
character in the font to insure that each character
fits within the bounds of the standard width you
have set.